The St. John Vianney middle school faculty encourages students to grow spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and socially. We provide a rigorous curriculum while staying mindful of extracurricular activities. Our team works hard to prepare middle school students for high school and beyond by giving many opportunities for public speaking, integrating technology into each subject, and providing instruction in study skills and test-taking strategies. Every middle school student is supplied with a Chromebook to enhance the learning experience.
Middle school students are truly the leaders of our school. As part of our Buddy Program, middle-schoolers are paired with younger students for whom they act as friends, big brothers/sisters, and Christian role models. Buddies work together on projects and share fun activities such as playing games or watching movies. Eighth graders take kindergarteners to Mass each Thursday to teach them how to be reverent and active participants. Middle school students serve at Mass and may choose to be crossing guards in the morning. The Teen Advisory Board is another way students can show leadership. Students must apply for a position on the Board that meets once a month with the other Catholic schools in town to plan activities.
The middle school curriculum includes the following:
Religion | Science | Reading |
Algebra | English | Spanish |
Social Studies | Technology | Physcial Education |
Music/Band | Art | Health |
Middle school students also have the chance to take part in a Geography Bee, Modern Woodmen Speech Contest, VFW and DAR writing contests, and the Knights of Columbus Math and Spelling Contests. Our eighth graders travel to Washington D.C. for their class trip. Eighth graders may take part in creating the yearbook for the school.